Tuesday, June 14, 2011


The next pairing that RandomosityCorner is going to cover is ChessShipping. While I've been running around researching ships, I noticed that Pokemon Black/White seems to have the most pictures when it comes to shipping. After I cover the Unova region, I think my posts might get shorter due to the lack of fans for the other ships or probably because of the lack of pictures for the other ships.

Anyways, now that I'm done talking about that, lets talk about ChessShipping. This is a rather popular ship. It seems to have better standing than CheckmateShipping but I don't think it even compares to FerrisWheelShipping which seems to be the all time popular ship so far. ChessShipping is the pairing of Hilda (English default name for the heroine character in Pokemon Black/White) and Hilbert (English default name for the hero character in Pokemon Black/White).

In the gameplay, they never meet at all because you can only pick to be a girl or a boy and then the other is history and never appears in the game. Despite not meeting in the game, the fans still want to pair them up. I guess it's because they play the same role or something.

Anyways, the name ChessShipping comes from Black and White. The other name that Hilda and Hilbert are called are Black and White and because chess is a game played with black and white pieces, their pairing became ChessShipping. This also helped influence Cheren's pairing with Hilda in CheckmateShipping.

Okay, that's enough information. Let's go to the pictures!! xD As usual, I don't own any of the pictures. They're just found by surfing the net. It would be great if other people could send me in cute pictures of the ship. I'll gladly take them and post them. xD


  1. This is...old, but I must comment! First, they DO meet in-game; the one not selected is your multi battle partner on the Battle Subway. Also, reading through all these old Pokèmon shipping posts and...it's weird. Mostly because I have Pokèmon Black and I look exactly like Hilda, minus the insane bushiness of the hair. So, yeah...

    If I only knew your age...

  2. I love these pix! I wish I could look like hilda, because we have pretty much the same style. If it were up to me, I'd wear my bermuda shorts, a t-shirt or tank top, my sneakers, and a ponytail everyday. I feel most comfortable that way.
