Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Testing time...

I managed to come back and check and I was surprised to find comments. It really made my day and it was really sweet of everyone to leave comments. It's almost summer vacation and I am ready to start blogging again.

Right now it's that time of the year where high school students (well mostly the overachievers) are all bent on studying and I'm actually just procrastinating right now by typing up this little rant. It's almost AP testing time and we're all studying! In a few days, I'll be done with high school and I'll be going to college. I'm terrified really, but also excited. I don't know if I'm ready yet, but I have to keep moving forward and learn as I make mistakes.

And hopefully I'll grow up to become a good adult that isn't financially... uh... bad? I'm having a brain fart at the moment so my vocabulary is just absolutely simplistic and just horrible.

But anyways, I'm still doing the best I can. I still want to continue doing my picture posts on shipping. I'm so bad at continuing it but I have so many pictures that I'm just absolutely confused. I think I'll just have to focus on my favorite pairings and the requests.  I've actually only had two requests for ships. I guess since requests are rare and that it proves that there are people kind of checking out my blog (I'm soo flattered! Thanks guys! <3), I'll always put requests first.

But I need to get by high school and pass those AP exams! So good luck to me and I hope I make it. When I have some free time, I'll definitely have blogging as one of the first things, I'll do.

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