Thursday, June 16, 2011


I was wrong about the last post for Hilda! There's still more for her. A kind passerby noticed my project in Randomosity Corner and was kind enough to look through some of them. I got an email from that kind passerby about some significant ships that involve Hilda! xD

Today Randomosity Corner had planned to talk about RebelShipping, but that will be delayed. I am sorry for the RebelShipping fans out there (if there are any that even read Randomosity Corner)! Instead, today Randomosity Corner will talk about MonochromeShipping.

A friend of mine also requested AtYourServiceShipping which is the pairing of the gym leader, Cilan with Hilda. Sadly to say, it's not very significant so it might be difficult for me to gather pictures for it, but I'll do my best. So as a teaser for tomorrow, I MIGHT be able to pull of AtYourServiceShipping. xD

Now enough of Randomosity Corner's small amount of fans (ahahah, one was my friend in real life and the other was a passerby that might not come back), we shall talk about MonochromeShipping! It's the pairing between three people this time. They are Hilda (English default name for the heroine of Pokemon Black/White), Hilbert (English default name for the hero of Pokemon Black/White), and N (the... um... bad guy of Pokemon Black/White).

It can be viewed as a relationship involving more than two people or it can be seen as a love triangle. Some people also like to view it as really good friends. 

Perhaps I'm not very good at researching. I actually DON'T know who names these ships. I just find them. I couldn't find out why this ship was named MonochromeShipping. So I'll give the definition for Monochrome and fans can decide from there.

From Microsoft Word Processor Dictionary
1. in shades of one color: using or displaying only shades of one color or black and white
2. dull: dull, insipid, and lacking interest or distinctiveness
3. GRAPHIC ARTS consisting of one color: painted or drawn in shades of a single color

1. PHOTOG black-and-white image: a black-and-white photograph or transparency
2. COLORS black-and-white coloration: the condition of being only in black and white
3. GRAPHIC ARTS artwork in one color: a painting, drawing, or print in shades of a single color

And here is the disclaimer! I don't own any of the artwork displayed in this blog. They were found by surfing the net. All art belongs respectively to their artists.

I guess I stalled enough. Here are the pictures! xD

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Randomosity Corner is moving on from Hilda's ships to Hilbert's ships. Unless I find more pictures of the other ships for Hilda, I don't think Randomosity Corner will be posting any more about her ships.

IsshuShipping is the pairing between Hilbert (the English default name of the hero in Pokemon Black/White) and N (the... um... bad guy of Pokemon Black/White). This is a fairly popular ship, especially with the fans of shounen-ai or yaoi. However, on my blog, we're keeping it only to shounen-ai. I don't want the yaoi scaring people away and if I did put yaoi on my blog, I'd have to categorize my blog to mature and I'm far too lazy to do that, not to mention it might make Randomosity Corner's viewers worried (that is if Randomosity Corner even HAS viewers. xD).

IsshuShipping's name comes from Isshu, the Japanese name of the region. In English, the name of the region is Unova. Pretty obvious where the name came from if you knew the Japanese name of the region. xD I don't know why they named this particular ship after the region, but that's just what it's called.

As usual, the pictures that I'm posting don't belong to me. I just found them by surfing the net. All credit goes to their artists!! Now, I'll just be quiet now while you enjoy some cute pictures! ^^