Monday, June 13, 2011


Should I give it a try? xD
I like to write stories but I'm thinking that fanfiction might actually be kind of fun.
Of course I probably might have issues with  fanfiction because I like to keep things as accurate as possible and I probably might end up just retelling the entire story with my added in character hardly doing any work to be called a character! 
But if I pick the right topic, then maybe my writing a fanfiction might be a success and I'll be super happy and I might even get some readers! Actually... I kind of don't want readers since I'm really shy! ^^;;

Right now, I'm taking a break from researching ships. The ship I'm currently working on is CheckmateShipping which is the pairing of Hilda x Cheren. I'm still looking for more pictures and information on how they came up with the name. xD 
So as of right now, I'll be thinking about fanfiction. Of course I'll look for more pictures on the ship that I'm working on, but I need to take a break too! >w<

My friend suggested to me that I should try making a fanfiction with one of the ships that I'm researching. She said it ties in really well. The only problem is that I just recently started researching the ships and I don't really have an exact favorite ship...
And I don't want to do a FerrisWheelShipping fanfiction either!! >.<"

Ahh, I might not do fanfiction since I don't know what my target is. xD
Maybe I should look through my list of favorite animes and go from there! 
Well, if there are any readers out there, anyone want to give me a suggestion of something easy to write about?  ^^"

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, can't help. I actually have a list of fanfics I want to write on my wall but none of them ever work and then I just feel like a failure. Although, I personally would love seeing some fanfics of yours posted here!
