Thursday, June 9, 2011

An Ordinary Day of Summer Vacation

Well, there was more excitement today compared to the other days, I guess. I got to get out of the house and go to COSTCO. Yay! xD
I brought Dai-chan and Yuu-chan with me for the fun of it. My mom said Dai-chan made me look like an elementary school kid. -sigh-
Anyways, my sisters and I explored Costco, looking at all that Costco had to offer.

Actually, during my summer, I spend a lot of time outside, but for this week, I tried staying inside because I didn't want to get tanner than I already am. I also wanted to avoid mosquito bites for fear of losing too much blood. I mean, there were six mosquito bites all in one area on my thigh. Damn perverted mosquitoes. >3<
Anyways, I've wasted most of my day away playing video games with my little sister and eating spinach and cheese ravioli (I can never get enough of that stuff! <3). Truth be told, the picture below is something off of the web. I should have taken a picture of the ravioli but I was so hungry that I dug in before I could think about it. Maybe some other day! xD

But truth is, I want to go outside! I REALLY want to go outside. So I'm going outside. :D
Well, I'm going to go help out at my friend's summer bible school at her church. I haven't seen her since the last day of school, so I'm really very excited about it. I can't wait to see her. I wonder if they are going to play a lot of games? I should probably change into my shorts so I can run. I mean, running around in a skirt wouldn't be very good right?

Just the other day, I learned how to use my scanner! It made me soooo happy! I started scanning a bunch of random pictures to go to my computer. I even scanned my hand. Yeah, I wanted to try it. It was funny. Oh, but I scanned an entire manga that I tried to make a few summer vacations ago. It's called Teatime and Candy. I'm thinking about taking it up again and continuing it. Here's the cover:
Although, I'm sure that my art has gotten better and I know I could pull of something better than this, but I'm too lazy right now and I'll stick with it. Someday, I'll make a better cover and it'll be colored with colored pencils! xDDD
I guess I should probably make a summary of what it's about so I don't forget. It's mostly for my sake. Alright here I go!
The title is Teatime and Candy because I think that's the cutest title ever. There are a lot of manga titles that don't have anything to do with each other, you know. There's Bleach for instance. 8D
It's about a girl whose name is Mikan. Her eyes have the ability to see people as their dream selves which are the selves that they secretly wish to be inside their hearts. Mikan doesn't have a dream self and in the dream world, she doesn't have a dream or a substance. In result, she wanders the dreams of other people. She always adapts and changes to suit that of the dream she's in. When she was still very small, Mikan met a dying fugitive Nightmare named Malevael. Nightmares are creatures that keep the dream world in check. They destroy dreams that get twisted or out of control. Malevael broke the laws of the Nightmares and was being pursued. Since he was in a weakened state, he had nothing left anyways, so he gave Mikan a substance, permanently making her a Nightmare by giving her his powers. Oddly enough, there's no such thing as a female Nightmare.
Yup. That's all I have so far. =w=
I considered working on the story some more, but I also think that I might give up on it and trash it. xD

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